The Great Blog Slog

Who knew blogging was so hard?!

For the last few weeks instead of slaving over a hot stove we’ve been slaving over a hot laptop. But who knew it was going to be so hard? We’ve been deciphering codes, inserting hyperlinks and generally googling the hell out of blogging but you’ll notice that the recipe page is finally looking a bit fatter.

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We’ve got a blog! dah dah!.

The Happy Weaner Blog

You’ll be able to find all of our recipe videos and reviews in one place and with the handy search tool at the bottom of the page everything will be there at your fingertips!

You can also see what we get up to on our new ‘Shenanigans’ section which is exclusive to the blog and will include fun stuff you can do with your babies and toddlers out and about as well as in your own home to keep those mini humans occupied.

We’re so excited EEEEEEEEEK! Happy Weaning Weaners!